Sunday, October 16, 2011

OSU Union 2

Here's some images from the OSU Union session recently- I think I enjoyed this the second time due to the variety of people that were going through due to a convention/school starting for them. I know the portions are jank on the sitting guy :P

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,
    As I mentioned in Andrea's post, the drawings are pretty decent but I'm disappointed that you didn't take advantage of all the activity of the job fair wrapping up. There were people loading and unloading items, leaning over, talking in groups standing in various weight shifted poses... you get the idea. I do not mind if you need to grab a little bite to eat but stay focused on the purpose you are at the location.
    These drawings have varying levels of success but they give me the sense of idle drawing - that is, drawing while talking.
    Concentrate on finding dynamic poses to draw. Move around your location to find this, if necessary.
