Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Free Choice- Huntington Park

There was a meeting in Einstein's yesterday, and there were definitely an interesting bunch of activity going on too. The most challenging pose was the man sitting down, and even though I'm aware the proportions might not be completely accurate I'm glad I took the foreshortening challenge.

1 comment:

  1. Colleen,
    These have varying levels of success. I like that you are bringing more caricature into the drawings and working with a looser line, overall.
    Concentrate on the consistency of form in these characters - taper the limbs from the shoulder/hip to the wrist/ankle, unless making loose fitting clothing. There are some inconsistencies here. Also try to arrive at the contour without laying in so many lines that certain lines get overworked.
    The overlapping of forms and multiple figure poses are good - keep at this.
